He gives lyrical love to tragic (black) legends like Tupac and Biggie while dissing white rappers hard. But the blue-eyed brat is acutely aware of his status as rap's resident alien: he has the most offensive mouth running, but never uses the "N" word. On the Marshall Mathers LP, he's ambivalent about his fame, angry at his life, pissed off that people take him seriously, and fightin' mad at boy bands-and a lot of other white people. It's good old America's fault if the kids aren't alright (Eminem blames bad parenting), and he's just capitalizing on Uncle Sam's dark side. He refuses to take responsibility for the misogynistic, homophobic bile he spews, whining that he's the victim of people who don't get his unique sense of humor. Of course, according to Eminem, he's just kidding. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? On Eminem's sophomore album, he can't decide who he wants to be: the deranged pseudo-psycho of the Slim Shady LP, or a nice guy who just likes to rhyme about slicing and dicing his girlfriend ("Kim"). The cd is great an icon u should own it as a masterpiece in ur library. This is the best cd ever, buy it immediately!!!! all the songs are banging!!!!! West coast 4 LIFE - I CANT wait 4 EL DETOX DAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! I FEEL THAT CD IS A COLLECTOR AND I KNOW THAT AS TIME GOES BY, I WILL STILL BE PIMPIN TO IT WITH CD DRE, U KNOW THAT YOU WOULD LIKE AS MUCH AS I DID OR MORE. I WOULD TELL ANY1 WHO IS A BIG FAN OF DR. BUT WHEN I HEARD THIS ALBUM IN ITS ENTIRELY I KNEW THAT CD WAS HELLA TIGHT AND IS WORTH THE PURCHASE.