You will also be well prepared to take CompTIA’s 220-801 and 220-802 A+ exams. With 96 included lab simulations, PC Pro will give you the skills that you need to pass TestOut’s PC Pro Certification exam, the only certification exam based on certifying what a person can do, not what they can memorize. You’ll also find new diagnostic tools including a memory tester and power supply tester. Each will put your cumulative knowledge to the test by requiring you to perform true-to-life tasks such as troubleshooting a PC that a customer drops off and simply tells you “It won’t turn on”. In addition to updating all of the simulations to a Windows 7 environment, there are Capstone simulations. For example, you may be asked to set up a printer in one location and then go to a different office space and set that printer as the CEO’s default printer. (You must pass both the 220-801 exam and the 220-802 exam to become CompTIA A+ certified)īased on the new simulated office environment, you will be required to complete tasks on several computers in different offices. The LabSim for PC Pro course prepares you for three exams and two industry certifications:

Using LabSim’s video tutorials, demonstrations, and hands-on lab simulations, you will not only be able to prove that you know the material, you will also be able to demonstrate you can perform the IT tasks employers are looking for.
You will learn how to build, configure, and maintain a PC as well as learn the basics of networking and security. Covering three different exams, our all-in-one PC Pro course will take your knowledge and skill levels in PC repair and service from novice to pro. The new LabSim for PC Pro is an essential IT training course.